January 21st, 2025

The Sweet Roadmap

The sweet path of progress

This is our Roadmap for 2025(ish). Let's talk about it stop by stop.

Bindings, Sweet Shop Teaser — Released

We've of course launched Bindings and made our newest announcement: Sweet Shop

FYCS — Release

This week we'll be releasing FYCS. We'll talk more about this on Thursday but it's not a beta nor an announcement. It is a full thing. 

Bindings — Shelves

One of the big points we wanted to get to with Bindings was not only allow creators to upload books and share them, but share their entire catalog and then, using our shareable links, direct people where they need to go to read more. 

There are tremendous amounts of amazing creators with multiple publishers, some with digital exclusives, some with out of print books. On Bindings they can put up their whole catalog of previews. Or even outdated books that won't sell.

More on Shelves on Friday. These should launch in February.

Sweet Shop Android & iOS — Beta & Launch

Work has been going on and off on Sweet Shop since the fall of last year. But we're going to make sure this is a very good 1.0, so this is going to be a very long private beta period. We'll launch when both platforms, Android and iOS, are ready. Our retailer affiliate will come post-launch.

Sweet Shop — Web Store

Why not do this at the same time as the store itself? We want to add all the features that you can do on the web that you just can't do with Apple's store. Things like subscribing to a comic series, pre-ordering a comic, buying a whole user-created reading list. 

We can do a lot for our customers on the web and we want to make it fun and easy.


For us, a feeling of success is at the end of this road, but this roadmap is the first of many. It's an ambitious 2025(ish) march, but we're so happy doing it.